Friday, September 19, 2008

The Golden Sojourn

Incredible India's spiritual shrine " Amritsar " ...Home of Harmandar Sahib ( The Golden Temple ) and Jallianwala Bagh .A gateway to the celebrated " Wagah International Crossing ".Most significant though , the delectable Punjabi food ( Tantalizing & Lip smacking).So much on the platter the plunge was inevitable.So I gave into temptation.Magnificence of Shatabdi and splendor of the countryside was captivating.Amritsar Station was unkempt and poorly maintained .... An Eyesore .Golden Temple was the cynosure of all eyes ...... a true marvel.Glistening under the september sun this marble sanctuary was spellbinding.Gurbani - long and sonorous was soul stirring ..... Sarovar waters were murky yet an assortment of fish could be made out ..Faithful dipped in the holy water (strictly men and forbidden for women ) ...Out of the peace and tranquil of Harmandar Sahib food was the only thought ..." Prava Da Tabba " ( Take a crack ) was gratifying. We were gluttons at large ...Jallianwala Bagh was heartrending ... ( Country moved on ) .... Durgiana Mandir a hideous copy of Golden Temple was a turn off .... Wagah was too far .... gave it a miss ... Not too upbeat .... Khalsa college was a spectacle ... gothic & was Ranjit Singh's Palace ...In all Amritsar was a welcome change .... A spiritual excursion and a sure wonder ..... Singh is king ... Duniya De Raje ....

The Seige Within

The world slept and I crept. Snail-paced ,sluggish and slow I crept. An eerie silence , a dream and an anguish but I crept. Hey creepy, hi creeps and what-nots still I crept. I loathed creeping but bygones are bygones and I crept on. Hurt, distressed and distraught I promised myself that I better creep and crawl than to halt and decline.
Aspiration’s , ambition’s , desire’s and longing’s are the architects of our destiny. They facilitate our journey to the acme , the zenith or the culmination. A bazillion people and their countless aspirations but what keeps them going ? Surely it is has to be “ hope ”. My drive like countless other’s also came from hope. Frankly I was left no other choice. Hope made sure that I crept and crawled .
Long ago I made a tryst with destiny and time had come to redeem my pledge. The pledge was arduous , a long haul, an uphill battle and I was immature, unripe, fledgling and inexperienced to the extent of naivete. Cynicism , mistrust and wariness infilitrated the enthusiasts after a series of letdowns . Choices were infinitesimal , calling was getting faint and I had left creeping . Flight was certain but you don’t dump your dreams midway or do you ? Dream’s are the pillars to success and you got to ford every stream, climb every mountain to realize them and not turn your back on . Creepy as it may sound but I had made up my mind that I was creeping and realizing my dream and not running scared. Common creepy you can do it.
I am not weak, faint-hearted, timid, spineless or a coward . I am a fantasist , a dreamer and my certitude comes from my passion , enthusiasm , zeal and my craze . Creeping and crawling does the job for me , it always has and it always will. Realise your dreams because you will still be here tomorrow but your dreams may not.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

confessions of a dangerous mind

The enchanting , enthralling and entrancing beauty of Delhi is well-documented.Rajputs,Mamluks,Moghuls and British all seized, subjugated and oppressed it. Plunder , pillage , loot , anarchy reigned supreme. The despot from blighty, abominable and unwelcome, who ensalved a billion was unceremoniously shown the door . Delhi was liberated , emancipated and let loose. It was independent , self-sufficent , self-determining. Possibilities were sundry. Rest is history as they say it.
Megalomaniac netas and sycophant babus best define the Delhi of today. Plunder stays, though metaphoric, and so does the oppression , official bullying , victimisation and hounding. Nehruvian age was dazzling ,glaring and awing. Today's age is decadent , corrupted , debased and stinking. Red-tape , neglect , desertion all remain unrestrained and unimpeded . Ominous Clouds linger and challenges stay yet Delhi advances.
A make-over , a refurbishment and Delhi is " shining " . Metro, malls, multiplexes , moviestars it's happening. Is capitalism taking over ? . Wonder whatever happened to that ' classless society ' , ' public ownership ' , ' collectivism' , ' social democracy ' etc . Is Socalism ( enshrined in Indian constitution ) extraneous. Nehruvian dream of a socialist India pertinent or not ? Delhi is indecipherable, impenetrable, inexplicable and enigmatic .
Detached and Severed from this flurry is an idealist , a dreamer, an aspirant ( recluse , a lone wolf ) whose passion , desire and longing spurs him on . In the intrigue and huggermugger of his haunt ( JK House ) the haunting continues. A string of failures cannot cow him down . Battered and broken he stays intrepid. Dauntless and audacious He detests the exodus. " The best way out is always through" is his philosophy . Expectations soar and He trips over again . Yet Delhi cushions him. She has seen many like him and her magnanimity is immeasureable.Silently she comforts him on.
Inspiring, assuring and encouraging parents form the back-bone of his struggle.He tread's on their pecuniary and emotional support.Their belief , conviction and trust sustains him . Journey is long, arduous, treacherous, devious and dicey but he wont concede. Delhi kindles his fire .
A soothing, calming and comforting aunt ( Rukhsana ) is his knight in the shining armour .Eruditic, cultured, studious she is his guardian angel. Judgemental at times She is unassuming , unpretentious and unique. Delhi's caress is growing stronger and the drifter stays put.
The recluse is absorbed ,engrossed and brooding . He is disappointed, dejected, distraught, disillusioned and frustrated.Flaws are innumerable. Shortcomings are endless but hope propels him . Oscar Wilde quoted on Hope " All of us live in a gutter but some of us look at star's " . Wilde is alien, outlandish, extra-terrestrial and unfamiliar to him. Doesn't connect with him .It is because " ALLAH is most beneficent and the most merciful , to him we turn in repentance and unto him is the end of all journey's ( 60:4 ) " . Delhi is an inducement, a facilitator, an incentive and a spark. The recluse is unrelenting, persevering and persisting. Godspeed .....