Friday, September 19, 2008

The Seige Within

The world slept and I crept. Snail-paced ,sluggish and slow I crept. An eerie silence , a dream and an anguish but I crept. Hey creepy, hi creeps and what-nots still I crept. I loathed creeping but bygones are bygones and I crept on. Hurt, distressed and distraught I promised myself that I better creep and crawl than to halt and decline.
Aspiration’s , ambition’s , desire’s and longing’s are the architects of our destiny. They facilitate our journey to the acme , the zenith or the culmination. A bazillion people and their countless aspirations but what keeps them going ? Surely it is has to be “ hope ”. My drive like countless other’s also came from hope. Frankly I was left no other choice. Hope made sure that I crept and crawled .
Long ago I made a tryst with destiny and time had come to redeem my pledge. The pledge was arduous , a long haul, an uphill battle and I was immature, unripe, fledgling and inexperienced to the extent of naivete. Cynicism , mistrust and wariness infilitrated the enthusiasts after a series of letdowns . Choices were infinitesimal , calling was getting faint and I had left creeping . Flight was certain but you don’t dump your dreams midway or do you ? Dream’s are the pillars to success and you got to ford every stream, climb every mountain to realize them and not turn your back on . Creepy as it may sound but I had made up my mind that I was creeping and realizing my dream and not running scared. Common creepy you can do it.
I am not weak, faint-hearted, timid, spineless or a coward . I am a fantasist , a dreamer and my certitude comes from my passion , enthusiasm , zeal and my craze . Creeping and crawling does the job for me , it always has and it always will. Realise your dreams because you will still be here tomorrow but your dreams may not.

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