Tuesday, September 16, 2008

confessions of a dangerous mind

The enchanting , enthralling and entrancing beauty of Delhi is well-documented.Rajputs,Mamluks,Moghuls and British all seized, subjugated and oppressed it. Plunder , pillage , loot , anarchy reigned supreme. The despot from blighty, abominable and unwelcome, who ensalved a billion was unceremoniously shown the door . Delhi was liberated , emancipated and let loose. It was independent , self-sufficent , self-determining. Possibilities were sundry. Rest is history as they say it.
Megalomaniac netas and sycophant babus best define the Delhi of today. Plunder stays, though metaphoric, and so does the oppression , official bullying , victimisation and hounding. Nehruvian age was dazzling ,glaring and awing. Today's age is decadent , corrupted , debased and stinking. Red-tape , neglect , desertion all remain unrestrained and unimpeded . Ominous Clouds linger and challenges stay yet Delhi advances.
A make-over , a refurbishment and Delhi is " shining " . Metro, malls, multiplexes , moviestars it's happening. Is capitalism taking over ? . Wonder whatever happened to that ' classless society ' , ' public ownership ' , ' collectivism' , ' social democracy ' etc . Is Socalism ( enshrined in Indian constitution ) extraneous. Nehruvian dream of a socialist India pertinent or not ? Delhi is indecipherable, impenetrable, inexplicable and enigmatic .
Detached and Severed from this flurry is an idealist , a dreamer, an aspirant ( recluse , a lone wolf ) whose passion , desire and longing spurs him on . In the intrigue and huggermugger of his haunt ( JK House ) the haunting continues. A string of failures cannot cow him down . Battered and broken he stays intrepid. Dauntless and audacious He detests the exodus. " The best way out is always through" is his philosophy . Expectations soar and He trips over again . Yet Delhi cushions him. She has seen many like him and her magnanimity is immeasureable.Silently she comforts him on.
Inspiring, assuring and encouraging parents form the back-bone of his struggle.He tread's on their pecuniary and emotional support.Their belief , conviction and trust sustains him . Journey is long, arduous, treacherous, devious and dicey but he wont concede. Delhi kindles his fire .
A soothing, calming and comforting aunt ( Rukhsana ) is his knight in the shining armour .Eruditic, cultured, studious she is his guardian angel. Judgemental at times She is unassuming , unpretentious and unique. Delhi's caress is growing stronger and the drifter stays put.
The recluse is absorbed ,engrossed and brooding . He is disappointed, dejected, distraught, disillusioned and frustrated.Flaws are innumerable. Shortcomings are endless but hope propels him . Oscar Wilde quoted on Hope " All of us live in a gutter but some of us look at star's " . Wilde is alien, outlandish, extra-terrestrial and unfamiliar to him. Doesn't connect with him .It is because " ALLAH is most beneficent and the most merciful , to him we turn in repentance and unto him is the end of all journey's ( 60:4 ) " . Delhi is an inducement, a facilitator, an incentive and a spark. The recluse is unrelenting, persevering and persisting. Godspeed .....

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